where does the rain come from為什麼用does

where does the rain come from為什麼用does

the rain是第三人稱

Tom to be doesn't Ben's want pen friend

Tom doesn't want to be Ben's pen friend


Tom goes to a movie with his friend

他喜歡聽音樂(be fond of)
昨天的那部電影不值一看.(be worth)
務必按時吃藥.(be sure to)
你的工作下星期能做完嗎?(be able to)
我對購物感到厭倦.(get tired to)

he is fond of listening to music
the movie yesterday is not worth of watching
please make sure to take the medicine on time
are u able to finish your work before next week
i am getting tired of shopping

1.多年來,這位身居墨西哥的老人日夜夢想著回到自己的祖國.(Mexico,day and night)
3.我們又見面時,他為自己沒有信守諾言而向我道歉,並希望我原諒他(keep one’s word,apologise,forgive)
4.很明顯,他在盡力屏住呼吸.(obvious,hold one’s breath)
6.下周舉行的大會是為了紀念他們的祖先100多年前來到這個村莊(take place,in mermory of,ancestor,arrival)

1 This Mexico old man dreams of going back to his motherland day and night for years.2 This energetic poet couldno't find the origin of the words finally 3 we saw each other again,he apologised for no…

1 continue to play to its own tune 2 drawn a sharp contrast 3 offensive attacks depend less on good skills and more on power and speed 4 singa 5 sway 6 why pass the ball when you can just sway past your oppnent?7 give them a move and slip past them 8 force his way through a group of defender 9 the playing style is due in part to its approach toyouth football這些全都是山西教育出版社出版的目標檢測人教英語p189和190的閱讀主題是巴西足球
