求關於諺語的英語作文 是對諺語的解釋或運用,只要隨便和一諺語搭上邊就行!謝謝了,150字左右! 是作文,要150字左右的!!!全英文!!!謝謝

求關於諺語的英語作文 是對諺語的解釋或運用,只要隨便和一諺語搭上邊就行!謝謝了,150字左右! 是作文,要150字左右的!!!全英文!!!謝謝

This is a collection of chinese proverbs(諺語yànyŭ;)and idioms(成語chéngyŭ;),given in and sorted by their pinyintranscription.Chineseproverbs and four and more character idioms are developed from the formulaic or social dialect/saying/expression(歇後語inpinyin:xièhòuyŭ;)and historical story in Chinese.
Some proverbs are literary,that is,from a written source.(See the historical written language or the more modern written language.)Others originated among families,street vendors and other commoners -- all walks of life.


1.魚和熊掌不可兼得.You can't have your cake and eat it too.2.事實勝於雄辯.Action speaks difficult before they are easy.3.機不可失,時不再來.Opportunity knocks(at the door),but once.4.驕兵必敗.Pride go…


every coin has two sides.凡事都有兩面.you can't eat a cake and have it.針無兩頭利.In doing we learn.實踐出真知constant dropping wears the stone.滴水穿石.The person who l wongder is innocent.不知者…