In England,there are many kinds of take-awayfood.Themost famous is fish andchips.Peopleusually go to a fish and chipshop.Theyput the food in a paper bag and take it home or to their workplaces.Atlunchtime,many people eat take-away food in the park or in their car. Chinese take-away food is also popular inEngland.Peoplein the other Western countries like Chinese take-away food,too. ()1.Take-away food is very popular in England. ()2.The most famous take-away food in England is Chinese take-away food. ()3.People in England like fish and chips very much. ()4.People eat the take-away food in many places. ()5.Chinese take-away food is also popular in the USA

In England,there are many kinds of take-awayfood.Themost famous is fish andchips.Peopleusually go to a fish and chipshop.Theyput the food in a paper bag and take it home or to their workplaces.Atlunchtime,many people eat take-away food in the park or in their car. Chinese take-away food is also popular inEngland.Peoplein the other Western countries like Chinese take-away food,too. ()1.Take-away food is very popular in England. ()2.The most famous take-away food in England is Chinese take-away food. ()3.People in England like fish and chips very much. ()4.People eat the take-away food in many places. ()5.Chinese take-away food is also popular in the USA


There are many kinds of books in our school library.為什麼加OF?

…kind of…是一個片語,表示什麼樣的種類
kind of在其他地方還可以翻譯成有幾分,一些

There are many kinds of __(active)in our school

There are many kinds of(activities,名詞,活動)in our school.