用any there moutains the are in park nature連詞成句

用any there moutains the are in park nature連詞成句

Are there any mountains in the nature park?^ ^

forset the a there in park ls nature?怎麼連詞成句/

there is a nature park in the forest.

連詞成句road,of,nature park,there,the,a,front,in,Is,
Is there a road in front of the nature park?
Is there a nature park in front of the road?

Is there a road in front of the nature park?這個是對的.Is there a nature park in front of the road?這個是錯的.第一句比較通順.in front of指得是在某樣東西/物件/地方/人的前面所以理所當然路是在公園前…