My favorite food is hamburger.畫線部分是hamburger,就劃線部分提問

My favorite food is hamburger.畫線部分是hamburger,就劃線部分提問

What's your favorite food

My favourite food is hamburger(改為同一句)

Hamburger is my favorite food.
I like hanburgers best.

根據文章內容判斷正(T)誤(F).1.American’s favorite fast food is hamburger.2.People can buy ha
American’s favorite fast food ishamburger.TheAmericans eat about 34 billion hamburgers a year.
The best place to buy a hamburger is a fast-foodrestaurant.Peoplecan eat hamburgers in the restaurant to take the food out and eat it at home,at work,or in apark.Anotherplace is the drive-inrestaurant.Peopledrive up to a window,order the food,and a worker hands it to them through thewindow.Thenthey eat it in their car.
Hamburgers are not the only fast food in therestaurant.Otherfoods include fish,chicken,sandwiches,French fries,etc.
Fast-food restaurants are popular because of their fast service and lowcost.Anotherreason is that half of the married women work outsidehome.Theyhave no time to cook at home.
1.American’s favorite fast food is hamburger.
2.People can buy hamburgers in any shop.
3.People eat hamburgers only at home.
4.A drive-in restaurant offers fast service for drivers.
5.Fast-food restaurants serve only hamburgers.

(1)T American’s favorite fast food is hamburger(2)F(3)F People can eat hamburgers in the restaurant to take the food out and eat it at home,at work,or in a park.(4)F Fast-food restaurants ar…

a kind of,this kind of,what kind of它們是加單數還是複數


a kind of後面到底+單數還是複數?

規則2.3:若在邏輯上B是A的一種(a kind of),並且A的所有功能和内容對B而言都有意義,則允許B繼承A的功能和内容.

most of his savings作主語時謂語動詞用單數還是複數?

單數.例如The economic savings for 1 year was estimated to be euro19000.雖然saving是可數名詞,但它的意思為節省或儲存的量,而savings的意思是存款,積蓄,所以是不可數.

表示一類事物的主語後面謂語動詞用單數還是複數?比如the kind of bike
the kind of the bike____(sell)in this shop and it ____(sell)well

在a kind / sort / type of,this kind / sort / type of之後通常跟單數或不可數名詞,謂語動詞用單數.the kind of the bike____(sell)in this shop and it ____(sell)well答案為is sold sells在這樣的結構中通…

some kind of後接不可數名詞時的謂語用單數還是複數
some kind of cloth ______(make)from wood.


英語dumplings with後加名詞單數還是複數?
1.I don't like the dumplings with ______(potato).
2.I like the dumpling with ______(onion).

dumplings with後加名詞單數,是指製作的資料,用單數.
the dumplings with potato就相當於potato dumplings

drink friut fish food juice ice cream cabbage等詞什麼時候可數什麼時候不可數

根據你用他們時候的視角,其實很隨意的比如,fish,通常不可數但是作一種魚講,就可數,比如2 kinds of fishes具體的可以查牛津詞典,比如fish1 / fɪ;ʃ;;fɪ;ʃ;/ n(pl unchanged or es複數或不變或作f…