一篇與英語作文:My Favourite sport 大概按照我這個中文稿進行翻譯:如果說我最喜歡的運動是什麼,我會毫不猶豫地告訴你:桌球.我覺得打桌球是我的樂趣!在我10歲時,初次學習打桌球,現在已經打了2年了,我常常和爸爸在一起練習,和同學在一起打比賽.現在上了中學,雖然沒有許多自由時間了,但是,我在體育選修課中仍然選擇了桌球,因為非常我喜歡這項運動.

一篇與英語作文:My Favourite sport 大概按照我這個中文稿進行翻譯:如果說我最喜歡的運動是什麼,我會毫不猶豫地告訴你:桌球.我覺得打桌球是我的樂趣!在我10歲時,初次學習打桌球,現在已經打了2年了,我常常和爸爸在一起練習,和同學在一起打比賽.現在上了中學,雖然沒有許多自由時間了,但是,我在體育選修課中仍然選擇了桌球,因為非常我喜歡這項運動.

If you ask what's my favourite sport,I'll tell you without any doubt--Pingpong.I think playing Pingpong gives me a lot of fun. When I was 10 years old,I first played it. Most of the time,I pratise with my father and sometimes have a match withclassmates.NowI'm a junior school student,so I don't have much time pratising Pingpong. However,I still choose Pingpong course in PE class,because I'm crazy about Pingpong.


1.sport·sport n.(名詞)(戶內或戶外的)運動,運動比賽,體育活動Football and running are sports.足球和跑步是體育運動.遊戲;娛樂The children thought it great sport to dress up as pirates.孩子們覺…

求my favourite sport英語作文60至80詞大概
其中帶有I like running…
Every day I…
Football match is…
My favorite sport is…

my favourite sport My favourite sport is basketball as it is very exciting. I like basketball because the N.B.A. stars play very well. Basketball is very cheap and it is a good sport for our health. W…

以My sports collection為題寫一篇文,50至60字左右

The Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports
To a Chinese,the task of learning English well is noteasy.SoI,like many other English learners,have met with difficulties in learning English during the past sevenyears.ButI managed to overcome them and made much progress.
The spelling and meaning of words can be said to be the first difficulty I met as abeginner.ButI found our my own way to deal withthem.Asto spelling,I never copied a new work again and again to remember it,but tried to find its relevance to thesound.Infact,as long as I can read the word out,I can write itout.Asto the meaning,I rarely recite its Chinese translation but often put the word into the sentence to learn itsmeaning.Moreover,if you use a word quite often,its spelling and meaning will be noproblem.Afterall,we are learning English in order to use it.
Grammar and idioms may be anotherdifficulty.ButI have also got over it.I have not read lots of grammarbooks.ButI spent much time reading the articles written by native speakers or specialists inEnglish.Bydoing so,I came to gain“a sense of English language”.I began to gain a feel for which sentences are“good English”and which are not.
Finally,I want to say that overcoming all these difficulties requiresperseverance.Inthe past seven years I spent at least an hour on English each day.I believe this is an important reason why I am able to make progress in learning English.

yes,it is.變複數

Yes,they are.

it is that複數
是It is dolphins that……還是They are dolphins that……

強調句的固定句型it is…that….
強調哪個部分,就把它放在is後邊.可以理解為在原來完整的句子裏加入了it is…that…這三個單詞,原句只需調整語序,不做任何詞型的改變.單數複數看原句的謂語.


they we are

it is my watch變複數形式the backpack is under the table.就畫線部分提問

they are my watches.他們是我的錶.
where is the backpack?被包在哪裡.



