

My Wish我的願望When I was young,I watched a movie“the sound of music”with my friends.I was touched by the love affairs and also shocked by the music.I didn't understand music at that time;however,I…

希望要英語作文 我國部分地區發生“禽流感”疫情,專家告誡我們,應該每天鍛煉,按時休息,不應該勞累和吸烟.請用英語把我們應該怎麼做和不應該怎麼做寫下來. 提示:exercise,should,should't smoke

There is bird flu occurring in part of China rightnow.Infacing this epidemics,disease experts warn us that we should exercise everyday,rest on time,and we should not get too tired and shouldn't smok…

英語作文, 自從實施新課改以來,有些同學在週末的兩天休息時間裏上網或看電視.很多父母對這種情況表示擔憂.請你寫一篇英語短文,談談我們該怎樣度過週末.內容包括:1.週末的時間安排;2.這樣安排的好處.注意:1.詞數120左右;2.可以適當新增細節,以使行文連貫.Since the education reform policy was adopted,some students

Well my weekend was spentwonderfully.Startingfrom Friday evening,my friends came over,we swam and danced and kind ofpartied.OnSaturday I came online,did some stuffs…(some websites).I went to the…

我的新年願望英語作文,誰能幫我寫一篇關於我的新年願望的英語小作文,學、 不要寫的太好,小學水准的,最好是現實點的.不要當科學家啊音樂家之類的.謝謝!~急需!

The new year is coming!Now,it's the time to make the resolutions for the newyear.Hereis what I am going to do: 1.I am going to get better grades.I'm good at English and Chinese,but I need to improv…

關於新年願望的英語作文 長一些

The year of rabbit is comingsoon.HereI hope in the coming new year that I will do whatever I like to do.I hope all my relatives will be healthy andhappy.Allmy friends will be better thanbefore.Ma…

關於自己新年願望的英語作文 參攷詞彙:get good grades,exercise more,go to the movies,visit grandparents,do the ishes

Unconsciously,happy,moving heartstrings 2012 passed…In the New Year,I hope between countries,no longer conflict happen unpleasant things;Also more don't want careless,lazy and I tried to again,so,New Year new atmosphere.I will good good study day day up,strive for the future for animals,for countries in the future,and contribute to the world for mediocrity,become do not mediocre life.

英語作文新年願望 大學水准500字給點句子什麼的參攷也行

The new year is coming!Now,it's the time to make plans for the newyear.Hereis what I will do:
1.I will get better grades.I'm good at English and Chinese,but I need to improve in my Math.I'll study better!
2.I will break my bad habits.I often get up very very late. To get early is good for my health. So I'll get up earlier than usual.
3.I will eatbetter.Iofteneat a lot of junk food. they are not good for my health.I should eat more fruits andvegetables.Theuwill make my body healthier and stronger.
This year was a good year for me,but Ican make next year even better.I'll work hard to keep my resolutions
What are your plans for the new year?
Whih best wishes for the new year,
回答人的補充2010-02-06 20:39新年即將來臨,現在我要為新年定下目標

英語作文新年願望怎樣實現 題目是New Year's resolutions 60詞左右 要求用be going to be句型 be going to do上面寫錯了

The new year is coming!Now,it's the time to make the resolutions for the newyear.Hereis what I am going to do:
1.I am going to get better grades.I'm good at English and Chinese,but I need to improve in my Math.I'll study better!
2.I am going to break my bad habits.I often get up very verylate.Toget early is good for myhealth.SoI'll get up earlier than usual.
3.I am going to eatbetter.Iofteneat a lot of junkfood.theyare not good for my health.I should eat more fruits andvegetables.Thenwill make my body healthier and stronger.
This year was a good year for me,but Ican make next year even better.I'll work hard to keep my resolutions
What are your resolutions for the new year?
Whih best wishes for the new year,

寫一篇關於希望工程是成功的的英語作文 字數大概100左右易懂原題:The Project Hope has been a success .必須有2個複合句 稍微簡單點的

Education is the key to the modernizations of ourcountry.Theextent to which children are educated is directly of vital importance to the improvement of our comprehensive nationalpower.However,in so…

關於幫助希望工程的英語作文 大致要求以下李叔叔在一所中學教書,他準備組織義演比特希望工程捐款.為山區的孩子提供食品和書籍,讓他們能够讀書.他雖然辛苦,但很高興.他希望更多的人來幫助希望工程.
