This is a map in English怎麼提問

This is a map in English怎麼提問

what is this in English?
This is a map in English
What is this?
原句提問:Is this a map in English?
問題是What is this in English?我想回答這是地圖怎麼說?
It's a map.
It's just your cup of tea是什麼意思?
當別人問你do you like studying時
回答it's not my cup of
lz知道it's not your cup of tea了吧
add up,
calm down,
have got to,
be concerned about,
walk the dog,
go through,
set down,
a series of,
on purpose,
in order to,
at dusk,
face to fact,
no longer,
suffer from,
be tired of,
pack sth up,
get along with,
fall in love,
join in,
because of,
come up,
at present,
make use of,
such as,
play a part(in),
ever since,
be fond of,
care about,
change one's mind,
make up one's mind,
give in,
as usual,
at midnight,
right away,
as if,
at an end,
in ruins,
a(great)number of
1.Add up all the money I owe you.把我應付給你的錢都加起來.2.Calm down,you're getting terribly wrought up over nothing.鎮定下來吧,你這樣緊張激動,完全是莫名其妙.3.You may not like him,but you have got t…
I really want a cup of tea的OF是什麼?
I really want a cup of tea我真想要一杯茶這個是主謂雙賓語嗎?
後面的a cup of tea
不是主謂雙賓語,其實這句話可以簡單寫成I want tea.我需要茶.a cup of是固定的結構,是一個介詞短語,of可以理解為屬於的意思.
是主謂賓,a cup of tea,是一個短語固定搭配
remember to do sth/remember doing sth;would like sth/to do sth;what/how about…;spend…on sth/spend…in doing sth;watch sb doing sth/watch sb do sth;decide to do sth;make sb+形或make sb do sth;be angry with sb/in sth;thank sb for doing sth;be strict with sb/in sth;what do you think of…;mind sth/doing sth;agree withsb/to do sth;show/give/spend sb sth;practice doing sth;be interested in;try to do sth/try doing sth;ask sb for sth/about sth/to do sth.
Remember to close the door,please.記得要關門.
Please remmember to say hi to your family instead of me.記得替我向你家人問好.
I remember closing the door.我記得我關了門了.
Don't you remember seeing the man before?你不記得以前見過他麼?
Would like a cup of tea?想喝杯茶麼?
I would like some cakes.我想吃塊蛋糕.
I would like to go shopping我想去購物.
How would he like to go to school?他想怎麼去上學?
What about another cake?再吃塊蛋糕好嗎?
What about the playing the violin?(你認為)她的小提琴拉的怎麼樣?
How about going out for a walk?出去散散步好嗎?
How about that storm last night?昨天晚上的風暴是怎樣的情况?
How much time do you spend on your homework?你做作業花了多久?
He spent more time on his family.
I spend too much time in playing computer games.
My sister spends too much money in buying clothes.
I watch my mother cooking.我正看我媽媽做飯.
The girl is watching the the chief stealing something.
I watched mother do the cooking.我看著媽媽把飯做好的.
I watched him steal that book.
Last week,a group of Class 3 students decided to go to the museum in the centre of the town.
I decide to present you with my hearty miss and suitable bless.
you really made me depressed.
Rainy days make me sad.
You should not make him clean this room alone.
The boss makes his workers work day and night.
I was angry with him for keeping me waiting.
You shouldn't be angry with your teacher if he is strict with you.
be angry in sth這個說法不確定對不對.
The manager of the planning department thanked her colleagues for being so cooperative.
Thank you for inviting me to the dinner.
the parents are very strict with their children,so do teachers in school.
Some students are not strict with themselves.
She is strict in her job.
He's strict in obeying rules
What do you think of the performance today?
What do you think of smoking?
Do you mind his attending the meeting?
Do you mind mine smoking?
Would you mind going out?
Would you mind opening the window for me?
I cannot agree with you on this point
The climate there doesn't agree with him
to what extent do you agree or disagree
He will agree to do what you require of him.
PLease show me your boarding pass.
Let me show you my new shoes
Monica gave me some advice on shopping.
i wait for the waiter to give me a coffee.
The experienment spent him an hour.
It spent him 2 dollar to buy the flower.
We should practice speaking English as often as possible.
I practice riding a bike after class.
I got interested in playing basketball when I was in high school.
The ants are interested in sugar.
He tries to improve his grade by speaking more English.
You must try to be more careful.
He tries speaking more English to improve his grade.
I tried gardening but didn't succeed.
David ask his mother for some money
I have asked for backup
He went to the office to askMr.Wangabout the text.
I asked her about the schedule of next Monday.
If you ask him to leave,he will not leave.
Mary asked Jack to do the chores with her.
…..前面家主語I you she he +你那些單詞在把do或do sth換成surf the Internet
若是doing或doing sth就改成surfing the Internet
sth都換成the door broken
1.She remembered to go home early yestoday.
2.I'd live riding.
3.Tony was come here on time,and what about Peter?
4.I spended all time to reading at last the summer holiday.
what i like is probably not your cup of tea.
as well as=and
as well=to=also
find out
look for
no longer=not…any longer
He likes playing basketball as well asswimming.Helikes swimming and playing basketball.
Jim likes basketball,Kate likes it aswell.Katelikes ittoo.Katealso likes it.
Can you find out the answer to the question?
I'm looking for my pen.
I'm trying to find my pen.
She doesn't live in Shanghai anylonger.Sheno longer lives in Shanghai.
playing chess is his cup of tea中文翻譯
cup of tea是喜愛的人或事物的意思
初二英語短語造句~ esay enough doing够繁忙做某事
4.It is time for sth.該到做…的時候
5.It is time to do sth.該到做…的時候
6.complain about(+doing sth.)抱怨……into…給安排…的時間 much as possible盡可能多…
9.under pressure在壓力下…
10.take part in參加
11.see sb. doing sth.看見某人做某事
12.send to…發送到…
13.all kinds of各種各樣的……with…把…和…對比
15.主語+find it +形容詞+to do發現做…是怎樣的
16.on the other hand在另一方面各位..幫幫手~
1、I'm busy enough doing my homework.我做作業已經很忙了.
2、Please take the book to the right position.請將書放在正確的位置.
3、I won't go to bed until my mom comes back.在媽媽回來之前我是不會去睡覺的.
4、It's time for class.該上課了.
5、It's time to get up.該起床了.
6、She always complain about her noisy sister.她總是抱怨她吵鬧的妹妹.
7、I fit 3 hours into my study .我給我的學習安排三小時的時間.
8.He tried to do his homework as much as possible.他努力地做盡可能多的工作.
9.He often put himself under pressure.他總是使自己有很大的壓力.
10.She enjoys to take part in the party.她喜歡參加聚會.
11.The theef was seen steeling money.小偷被看到正在偷錢.
12.Please send the letter to him.請把這封信給他
13.There are all kinds of cloths in the shop,商店裏有各種各樣的衣服.
14.Compared with Beijing,the history of Qingdao is much shorter.與北京的歷史相比,青島的歷史要短很多.
15.He found it's hard to catch up her.他發現很難趕上她.
16.On the one hand,we should improve our grades,on the other hand,hands-on ability is also important.一方面,我們應該提高我們的成績,另一方面,動手能力也很重要.