How many different kinds of letters can you think of 영어 로 대답 해 주세요. How is a letter different from an article? List three differenss. 일. 이. 삼. 30 점 을 주 겠 습 니 다.

How many different kinds of letters can you think of 영어 로 대답 해 주세요. How is a letter different from an article? List three differenss. 일. 이. 삼. 30 점 을 주 겠 습 니 다.

1. When you write a letter, you should write the date at first and write your name at last;
2. An article has a title but a letter doesn 't.
3. You should express your persnal wishes when writeng a letter while you need n 't do so when writing an article.