에디슨 의 영어 프로필 (중국어 까지) 어 떡 해, 빨리 말 해.

에디슨 의 영어 프로필 (중국어 까지) 어 떡 해, 빨리 말 해.

토 마 스 알 바 에디슨 (Thomas Alva Edison, 1847 - 1931) 은 세계 적 으로 유명한 미 합중국 전기 학자 이자 발명가 이다. 그 는 유성기, 전등, 전화, 전보, 영화 등 분야 의 발명 과 공헌 외 에 광업, 건축 업, 화공 등 분야 에서 도 많은 유명한 창조 가 있 었 다.

영문 번역: 에디슨 (Thomas Edison) 은 위대 한 과학자 입 니 다. 그 는 어 릴 때 부터 머리 를 쓰 고 일생 동안 많은 발명 을 했 습 니 다.

The Edison (Thomas Edison) is a great scientist, he love to do a lot of thinking since the childhood, the whole life have many invention
에디슨 (토 마 스 에디슨) 은 위대 한 과학자 이다. 그 는 어 릴 때 부터 머리 를 잘 써 서 일생 동안 많은 발명 을 했다.

tell me something about Thomas Alva Edison Thanks a lot

Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, and grew up in Port Huron,Michigan. He.was the seventh and last child of Samul Ogden Edison, Jr. (1804 – 96, born in Marshalltown, Nova Scotia, canda) and Nancy Matthews Eliot (1810 – 1871, born in Chenngo County,New York. [citation need] His father had to escape from Canada be cause he tool part in the unsuccess ful Mackenzie Rebellion of 1837. [citation need] Edison consideed himself to be of Dutch ancestry.
In school, the Young Edison 's mind of ten wandered, and his teacher, the Reverend Engle, was overheard calling him' addled ', This ended Edison' s three months of officialschooling. Edisonrecalled later, "My mother was the making of"me. Shewas so true, so sure of me; and I felt I had something to live for,someone I must not disappoint. 'His mother homeshooled him. [4] Much of his euation came from reading R. G. Park' s School of Natural Philosopy and The Cooper Union.
Edison developed hearing problems at an earlyage. Thecause of his defness has been attributed to a bout of scarlet fever During childhod and recurring untreated midle - earinfection s. Aroundthe midle of his career Edison attributed the healing impairment to being struck on the ears by a train conductor when his chemical laboratory in a box carcaught fire and he was thrown of f the train in Smiths Creek, Michigan, along with his apparatus andchemicals. Inhis later years he modified the story to say the inju 리 occurred when the conductor, in helping him onto a moving train, lifeted him by the ears.
Edison 's family was forced to move to Port Huron, Michigan, when the railroad by passsed Milan in 1854, but his life there wasbittersweet. Hesold candy and newspapers on trains running from Port Huron to Detrotit, and he sold vegetables to 슈퍼 plement hisincome. Thisbegan Edison 's long streak of entrepreneurial ventures as he discovered his talents as a businessman. Thesetalents eventually led him to found 14 copanies, including Geneal Electric, which is still in existence as one of the largest Publictraded copanies in the world

Thomas Edison 이 누구 예요?

토 마 스 에디슨
미국의 유명 발명가. 가장 중요 한 발명 은 전등, 동기 전신 기, 개량 전화기, 유성기 와 복사기 이다.