영 어 는 주어진 단어의 적당 한 형식 으로 빈 칸 을 채 워 준다. 괄호 넣 기 A. 1. Whereyou just now? Iin the zoo. (be) 2. Listen, the birds(sing) in the tree. 3.Miss Li(have) a long holiday? 4. My mother usually(cook) at 5 o 'clock. 5. Whatthe tins온 선 데 이 즈? They of ten(go) to the library. 6.Helen like(swim)? Yes, she. Look, she(swim) now. 7. 더 룸 isdirty. What______ you(도) just now? I(throw) the paper on the floor. 8.(not) kick the ball. 9. It 's theof.메 이 Therearestudents in the play ground. 10. Last week we(have) a(run) race at school. 괄호 넣 기 B. 1.(who) come is this? It 's(She), I think. 2. It 's 2: 00 in theafternoon. Thechildren(make) a kite. 3.you of ten fly a kite? No, we... (did) 4. 렛(we) go and join(they). 5. That girl can(sing) French songs. 6.What(will) you like as a birthday present? 7. Whatin the basket? Theresome appls in it. (be) 8. How many(read) roomsa are there in this building? 9. 메 니(child) like ice creams. 10. My sister likes(run) very much. 괄호 넣 기 C. 1. Miss Lives on the(to) floor in this building. 2. IS that(her) bike? Yes, it 's(her). 3. Ma Ming wants to take some(photo). 4. She(study) English well. 5. He(fly) a kite last Satuday. 6.Mr Green is very(excite). 7.3these(people) are looking at the moon now. 8.You 're(watch) a match in your school now. 9. Mris in thecar. (Black) 10.you(play) the violin? No, I can 't. 괄호 넣 기 D. 1.the girl like(sit) quietly? Yes, she does. 2. How many(foot) does a Monkey have? 3. My sister(have) a lot of beautiful stamps. 4. After school he(help) an old man. 5.Who can help(them) with thir English? 6.Yang Ling is a(China) girl. 7. Here are are some flow ers(four) you. 8. 메리 즈(write) am - mail to her friend. 9. He(have) many(straw berry) on the plate. 10.he usually have a party at weekends? No, he도.. (도) 빈 칸 완성 E. 1. We of ten(by) fruit in the 슈퍼 마켓. 2. We are now(live) in the town. 3. I(visit) the farm last Sunday. 4. Helen(pick) many appls on the farm last week. 5. Did you like(milk) cows, Nancy? 6.Whatyouyesterday? Weour homework. (do) 7.He(want) to go to the Park this week end, but I have no time. 8.Helen of ten(go) to school by bus. 9. Whatthe students(do) now? They(play) football in the football field. 10. Whereyou a moment ago? Iin the reading room. (be)

영 어 는 주어진 단어의 적당 한 형식 으로 빈 칸 을 채 워 준다. 괄호 넣 기 A. 1. Whereyou just now? Iin the zoo. (be) 2. Listen, the birds(sing) in the tree. 3.Miss Li(have) a long holiday? 4. My mother usually(cook) at 5 o 'clock. 5. Whatthe tins온 선 데 이 즈? They of ten(go) to the library. 6.Helen like(swim)? Yes, she. Look, she(swim) now. 7. 더 룸 isdirty. What______ you(도) just now? I(throw) the paper on the floor. 8.(not) kick the ball. 9. It 's theof.메 이 Therearestudents in the play ground. 10. Last week we(have) a(run) race at school. 괄호 넣 기 B. 1.(who) come is this? It 's(She), I think. 2. It 's 2: 00 in theafternoon. Thechildren(make) a kite. 3.you of ten fly a kite? No, we... (did) 4. 렛(we) go and join(they). 5. That girl can(sing) French songs. 6.What(will) you like as a birthday present? 7. Whatin the basket? Theresome appls in it. (be) 8. How many(read) roomsa are there in this building? 9. 메 니(child) like ice creams. 10. My sister likes(run) very much. 괄호 넣 기 C. 1. Miss Lives on the(to) floor in this building. 2. IS that(her) bike? Yes, it 's(her). 3. Ma Ming wants to take some(photo). 4. She(study) English well. 5. He(fly) a kite last Satuday. 6.Mr Green is very(excite). 7.3these(people) are looking at the moon now. 8.You 're(watch) a match in your school now. 9. Mris in thecar. (Black) 10.you(play) the violin? No, I can 't. 괄호 넣 기 D. 1.the girl like(sit) quietly? Yes, she does. 2. How many(foot) does a Monkey have? 3. My sister(have) a lot of beautiful stamps. 4. After school he(help) an old man. 5.Who can help(them) with thir English? 6.Yang Ling is a(China) girl. 7. Here are are some flow ers(four) you. 8. 메리 즈(write) am - mail to her friend. 9. He(have) many(straw berry) on the plate. 10.he usually have a party at weekends? No, he도.. (도) 빈 칸 완성 E. 1. We of ten(by) fruit in the 슈퍼 마켓. 2. We are now(live) in the town. 3. I(visit) the farm last Sunday. 4. Helen(pick) many appls on the farm last week. 5. Did you like(milk) cows, Nancy? 6.Whatyouyesterday? Weour homework. (do) 7.He(want) to go to the Park this week end, but I have no time. 8.Helen of ten(go) to school by bus. 9. Whatthe students(do) now? They(play) football in the football field. 10. Whereyou a moment ago? Iin the reading room. (be)

1. were, was
2. are singing
3. Did, have
4. cooks
5.do, do, go
6. Do, swiming, do, is swiming
7. have, done, threw
8. Don 't
9.twelfth, twelve
10. had, 런닝
1. Whose, hers
2. are makeing
3. Do, don 't
4. us, them
5. sing
7.is, are
8. 리 딩
9. children
10. 런닝
1. second
2. her, hers
3. 포 토 스
4. studys
5. flied
7. people
8. watching
9. 블랙, 블랙
10 Can, play
1. Does, sitting
2. feet
3. has
4. helped
5. them
6. Chinese
8.w riting
9. has, strawberries
10. Does, doesn 't
1. buy
2. living
3. visited
4. picked
5. milk
6.did, do, did
7. wants
9.are, doing, are play ing
10 were, was

2012 초등학교 6 학년 영어 필수 단어

다음 형용사 비교 레벨 쓰기
tall short strong old yong big hevy long thin small
2. 다음 동사의 과거 형 을 쓰 십시오.
watch TV wash clothes clean the room play football visit grandparents go ice - skating
go to a park go swimming read a 북 go fishing have go higing learn Chinese get to sing and dance
eat good food go climb a mountain take pictures buy presents row a boat do see elephoants go skiing
3. 다음 동사의 현재 분사 형식 을 쓰 십시오.
do play dance sit
make swim jmp cook
clean watch come read eat write sing go
run fly catch help Unit 1: tall - taller 더 높 은 short - shorter 더 작은 strong - stronger 더 강 한 old - older 더 나이 많은 yong - yonger 더 젊 은 big - biger 더 큰 hevy - heaver 더 무 거 운 log - loger 더 긴 thin - thinner 더 마른 small - smaller (체형) 보다 작은
유닛 2: have a feever 열 나 는 have a sore throat 목이 아파 have a cold 감기 have a toothache 이 가 아파 have a headech 두통 matter 일, 귀 찮 은 sore 아 픈 hurt 통 증 nose 코 tired 피로 한, 힘 든 excited 흥 분 된 앙 리 화 난 happy 기 쁜 bored 지루 하고 귀 찮 은 sad 슬 픈, 슬 픈
유닛 3: watch - watched 보 러 wash - washed 세탁 clean - cleaned 청소 play - play - visit - visited 놀 러 가기 do - did last weekend 지난 주말 go - went go to park - went to a park 공원 가기 go swimming - went fishing 수영 go fishing - went fishing 낚시 read - read 읽 고 hiking - went
유닛 4: learn Chinese - learned Chinese 중국어 sing and dance - sang and danced 노래 와 춤 을 추 는 eat good food - ate good food 맛 있 는 음식 을 먹 는 take pictures - toolpictures 사진 climb - climbed 기어 오 르 는 have - had buy presents - bought presents 선물 row a boat - rowed a 보트 보트 boat boat boat - see phont - selew Ent - selen go 코끼리 를 볼 때 - isking - weing - iiisking스키 를 타 러 가다
go ice - skating - went ice - skating 스 케 이 트 를 타 러 how 어떻게 get - got 에서 last 에 도착 하 는 것 은 나머지, 마지막 에 남 는 것 입 니 다.

초등학교 6 학년 추석 영어 작문 40 단어 정도

Mid - Autumn Day is Chinese tradition al festival, I am so happy to have this day with my family, My whole family will stay together this night to celebrate it, enjoy the full moon and eatmooncakes. About...