중 3 영어 문제 몇 개. 1.how many workers are there in the company? there are zhout three ( ) wokers. A.thoudsand B.thousands C.thousands of 이 몇 개의 단 어 는 어떻게 구분 합 니까? 2.what shall i do to improve my english? raed( )you can A.as many as B.as much as C.so much as 3.were you late for the meeting yesterday? yes.by the time i arrived ,the meeting ( )for ten minutes. A.had begun B.has been on C.had been on 해석 해 주시 면 감사 하 겠 습 니 다!

중 3 영어 문제 몇 개. 1.how many workers are there in the company? there are zhout three ( ) wokers. A.thoudsand B.thousands C.thousands of 이 몇 개의 단 어 는 어떻게 구분 합 니까? 2.what shall i do to improve my english? raed( )you can A.as many as B.as much as C.so much as 3.were you late for the meeting yesterday? yes.by the time i arrived ,the meeting ( )for ten minutes. A.had begun B.has been on C.had been on 해석 해 주시 면 감사 하 겠 습 니 다!

A 1.how many workers are there in the company?there are about three()wokers.A.thoudsand B.thousand C.thousands of 명확 한 수량 이 있 는 수천 명 은 thoudsand,thousand of 명사 로 수천 명의 수량 이 많 고 수천 명 을 나타 낸다.