30 편의 영어 단문 번역 이 시 급 한 그런 50 단어 정도 의...

30 편의 영어 단문 번역 이 시 급 한 그런 50 단어 정도 의...

바람 과 태양 (The Wind And The Sun) One day the wind said to the sun, "Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak of f more quickly than you can.", "We will see about that," said the su.....

중학교 영어 작문 자기소개 100 글자!

My name is Wangshan. I a m sixteen years old. i studied in Yang Guang midle school. I 'm going to have a very big and important exam in June, which will be a turning point in mylife. Althoughmy school Work...

중학교 영어 서면 표현
6 편 으로, 글자 수 는 80 ~ 100 사이 이다

1. 물건 찾기 계시 and 수령 시사 점
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Seeking Mobile!
Anyone who ever found my mobile, please kindly returen to it 's anxious owner.
My mobile is a red Nokia.
I lost it in a restaraunt, located at 11 Evergreen Street.
I have many important telephone numbers stored in my phone. I am a doctor. the numbers are my patient 's phone numbers.
They need my help! I have to contact them regularly to make sure the 're in good healh.
Please give me your hand.
You can call me by thisnumber: 123456
or You can visit me at 234 Sunshine Avenue.
My name is: Mr. Jimmy
thank you.
2. 가족 에 게 보 내 는 편지
Dear brother:
How are you you? I am fine. Do you miss me. I like my new school. I made a lot of friends They are really nice to me. Now I am taking Math, English, English, chinese, Art, PE, history and so on. My Farite farite subject is PE Farite subject is PE Weare current currening in in in in in in in in to whwhwhwhwhy baby baby Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball be be be be whwhwhwhwhwhwhy Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball be be be be be in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in to see you on Sunday.
Take care.
Best wish.
3. 친구 에 게 보 내 는 편지
That day I really tired! So this matter I brought to the pressure so great! I am not forcing you to do. You do not have any further commment s. No matter what I am worried about is that yes no. I do not mind the Still take the best to you. Gamb. Even. ief. ief. ief. header on on on on on on on on on on on. sound. s. cond on on on on on on on on. sode. one. soon on on on on on on. sode. soon. soon. on on on. sode. on on on on on on.toward. Receptive to a varity of ideas. Emotional 슈퍼 port config. I trust you. Going to be hard feeling gs can be distingguished out. So. Husband. What I do not want to. Asked nothing. Then you still love me when I want to make you happy. Happy.
4. 자신의 스포츠 소장 품 소개
I like sports, I have a lot of sports collectibles. I have 10 basketball, basball 5, 8 soccer. My favorite is table tenis, I have 20. I play tenis every day.
5. 나의 세 끼
Today, I want to tell you about my favourite food. I like bread and milk best. I always eat bread and milk for my breakfast. I of ten have rice and meat for my lunch and 슈퍼 퍼. I usually eat an applor a peach after 슈퍼. That is tasty! SometsI do not eat luch or 슈퍼 퍼. Because I think I am fat and I want to keep slim. But now I think it is not helty. So I have luch and 슈퍼 as usual now.
6. 옷 가게 광고
One day sunset,
원 person has a dream,
Life there is a favorite.
All met reunite in the fate of the sky slow ly interpretation.
A gentleness subtle Dressed in distinctive clothing or clothing, you will become an extraordinary necessary magic weapon.
The World is large, but really belong to your own, but the soul touch ing clothing can be met without elusive.
In Latin American yoth, warm and flow ing in the summer of ocean, you will choose what kind of interesting?
Classic? Callous? Mild?
Perhaps you can not choose.
Here is the temperament you should choose the source.
Here the boys and girls are different.
Here interpretation of fashion, spread persnality.
Here, you will find ther favorite...
XXXX, X, clothing clothing World Health grand opening.
During the opening, all customers have gift. 20 - percent discount, single Purchase of 80 yuan sent a membership card (by this card can enjoy 20 percent or lower log - term discounts).
7. 가장 좋아 하 는 영화
I love Spiderman very much
I t 's so exciting that I can' t forget it.
The Spiderman said "With great power come es great responsibility"
The story is about love, power and responsibility.
It tell us how to be a better man.
The Spiderman is always ready to help others and face to difficulties and never afraid of them.
The story also tell us that we should brave enough to face the problems in our daily life and learn to settle them.
That 's the reason why I like Spiderman!
8. 학교 예술 제 채용 공고
Are you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the drums, the trumpet, or the theguitar. Thenyou can be in our school musicfestival pleasecall Zhang Heng at 622 - 6033.
9. 나의 일상
Though my daily life is extremely Monotonous, I try hard to adapt my self to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.
I get up at six o 'clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o' clock.
After school is over, I return home. We usually have 슈퍼 퍼 트 seven oclock. thenI begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.
10. 가장 좋아 하 는 학교 생활
I was on duty today, so i got up early and went toschool. assoon as arrived, i began to sweep the flor, then i went to the classroom and did the morningreading. afterthat, i did some exercises and hadbreakfast. thenthe classesbegan. inthe afternoon, i first had lunch then went bach to the classroom and had someclasses. at4 pm, i went home. it 's a나 이 스 데 이!
모자 라 니까 조금 만 더.