yesterday 의 영어 작문 은 어떻게 쓰 죠?

yesterday 의 영어 작문 은 어떻게 쓰 죠?

Yesterday Yesterday was Sunday. I was very happy. I got up at 7: 00 in themorning. ThenI ate breakfast. I went to the Park to flew akite. Inthe afternoon, I went toswam. Thewater is cool. I like do it. I...

He didn 't come to the party yesterday, or Ihim.
6.He didn 't come to the party yesterday, or Ihim.
A) Would see B) saw C) see D) Would have seen
9.Not until the midle of the 19 th centuryinto wide use.
A) electricity cameB) did come electricity
C) came electricity D) did electricity come
10. Hereyou want to see.
A) 커 뮤 니 케 이 션 더 teacher B) 커 뮤 니 케 이 션 a teacher
C) 더 테 처 커 뮤 니 케 이 션 D) is 커 뮤 니 케 이 션 a teacher
19. The farm laborers were madelong hours in the cotton fields.
A) Work B) to work C) Worked D) Working
29. It is time weto work at once.
A) starts B) to start C) started D) will start
31.Mr. Brownlost his job last month so the family had to on expenses.
A) cut of f B) cut out C) cut back D) cut 다운
32. She wanted to know what the meeting.
A) had been happened B) was happened
C) had happened) had happened

10. A
29. C
31. D
32. A

11. The city has a population of over ().
A. five Hundred million
B. five hundred millions
C. five hundreds million
D. five hundred millions people

A 를 뽑 겠 습 니 다 ~ ~ ~
일반적으로 Hundred, million 같은 단 어 는 숫자 뒤에 직접 연결 하면 s 를 넣 을 수 없다.
'훈 드 레 드 오 브', 'thousand of' 이런 문장 만 있 으 면 s 를 추가 할 수 있 습 니 다.
크 크 ~ ~ ~
중학교 2 학년 때 배 웠 는데..
우리 고 1 인 데 그리워 ~ ~ ~
~ \ (≥) / ~ 라 라 라 라 라