영어 작문 1 분 이내

영어 작문 1 분 이내

Everybody should have a hobby, only because a hobby can help you feel happy and make your liferich. Myhobby is to play football with my classmates after school. I enjoy play ing it and watchingi. Playingfootball makes me verystrong. Wehave a foot ball team of our class. And we usually have a foot ball game with the students from the otherclass. Itis a good time forusWedon 't care who wins the game, we just want to have a good timetogether. Thenyou can also make lots of friends with your football games. I think most of the boys like football베 스 트 애 니 웨 이, football is a great sport. I like it very much.

다른 사람 을 도와 주 고 나 를 기 쁘 게 하 는 영어 작문 은 어떻게 쓰 나 요? helping others make me happy
내용 을 좀... 내용 을 어떻게 쓰 는 지 모 르 겠 어 요.

helping others make me Helping others is a very happything. Fromit we can and help people become good friends, he also will helpyou. Helpothers we also very happy.

'It made me happy' 에 대한 영어 작문
영어 작문 을 급히 써 야 한다.

The day which made me happy was the day when I led my team to the golden medal in the international maths modeling copetition. I was so thrilled be cause not only effort of months finally paid of With such important acknow ledgement, but also I had made real friend with conmenttogether. Weshared precious memoriesof tears and laughter that Would never fade.