Let 's go to the post office by bike,(반대 의문문)

Let 's go to the post office by bike,(반대 의문문)

Let 's go to the post office by bike, shall we? let' s.
Let us, 이렇게 쓰 면 'Wiil you'? 상대방 의 의견 을 집중 적 으로 듣 기 때문이다.

where post the office is 접속사 문장

where is the post office?

the, is, post office, the, on, left 접속사 문장 제목 대로...

The post office is on the left.

After she had wrote the letter, she went to the post office. 써 도 되 나 요? After having wrote the letter, she went to the post office.

다 되 네.

도 울 때 와 과거 완료 시. 1. (after) she wrote theletter. shewent to the post office. 2. (after) he haddinner. herwent to the cinema. 3. (when) i fastened mybelt. theplane톡 오 프. 4. we did not disturb himwntid. hefinishedwork. 5. (as soon as) he left the room. i turned on the radio.

1. 애 프 터 she had writen the letter, she went to the post office.
2. 애 프 터 he had dinner, he went to the cinema.
3. when i had fastened my belt, the plane tool of.
4. we hadn 't disturbed him writeng until he finished his work.
5. As soon as he had left the room, i turned on the radio.

She went to the post office after she wrote the letter 는 어떤 시제 입 니까?

과거 시제
went 는 go 의 과거 형 이다
wrote 는 write 의 과거 시제 입 니 다.

(after) she wrote the letter she went to the post office

what do you want to ask?
In Chinese it means
편 지 를 다 쓴 후에 그녀 는 우체국 에 갔다.

예문 I wrote a letter to Lucy. I wrote Lucy a letter. 1. She sent them a letter. 2. Could you do me a favor? 3. He owes me $10. 000 달러.

동의어 전환: 1. She sent them a letter. = She sent a letter to them. 2. Could you do me a favor? = Could you do a favor for me? 3. He owes me $10.000. = She owes $10000 to me.

where is Tom? Het he bookstore and he will come back soon A. have gone to B. has been to C. has gone t

C, has gone to, tom 이 어디 갔 어 요? 서점 에 갔 어 요. 금방 올 게 요.
아직 안 왔 다 는 뜻 이 죠.

- Where is Tom? - He(go) to the library. is going 이에 요, has going 이에 요?

has gone 은 여기 없어 요.