더 맨 헤드hid treasure in t he house, but he didn 't findit. 더 맨 헤드hid treasure in t he house, but he didn 't find부정 대명사 로 빈 칸 을 채우다

더 맨 헤드hid treasure in t he house, but he didn 't findit. 더 맨 헤드hid treasure in t he house, but he didn 't find부정 대명사 로 빈 칸 을 채우다

something, anything

He left the room without(say) anything.

He left the room without (saying) anything.
without doing sth. 고정 코 디 입 니 다.

주어진 정확 한 형식 으로 빈 칸 을 채 워 주세요. 1He left the room without -- (say) anything 2It 's raining(hevy) outside, isn 't it? 3Here are are the(result) of the students, activity survey at Hilltop High school. 4we must keep(헬 스) 5He(watch) TV 트 와 이 스 a week.

1 saying
2. hevily
3. resuls
4. 헬 스.
5 watches

My uncle left the room and said nothing to us. = My uncle left the roomanything to us.

without saying 을 채 워 주세요.
said nothing = without saying anything, 한 마디 도 하지 않 음

She found nothing improtant in the room. Shefindimportant in the room.

Shedidn 'tfindanythingimportant in the room.

I found nothing unusual in the bushes. 동의어 로 변경

I didn 't find anything unusual in the bushes

They find she in the room. 잘못 을 고치다

They find her in theroom. she인칭 대 사 는 술어 동사 뒤에 빈 격 을 써 야 한다.

they Found the room(사람 이 꽉 찼 다)

full of people

He has Found nothing in the room (일반 의문문 으로 변경)

Has he Found anything in the room?

she can notsee anything in the dark room. 동의어 로 변경

It 's so dark in the room that she can' t see anything.
집 안 이 너무 어 두 워 서 그녀 는 아무것도 똑똑히 볼 수 없 었 다.