The wood of a timber factory is piled into a triangle shape with a cross section. There are 12 layers, one in the top layer and 12 in the bottom layer. How many are there in this pile Question: the wood of a timber factory is piled into a triangle shape with a cross section. There are 12 layers, one in the top layer and 12 in the bottom layer. How many pieces are there in this pile?

The wood of a timber factory is piled into a triangle shape with a cross section. There are 12 layers, one in the top layer and 12 in the bottom layer. How many are there in this pile Question: the wood of a timber factory is piled into a triangle shape with a cross section. There are 12 layers, one in the top layer and 12 in the bottom layer. How many pieces are there in this pile?

Solution 1: & nbsp; & nbsp; from the top to the bottom! 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + +12=(1+12)+(2+11)+(3+10)+… +(6+7)  =13+13+13+… +13             ...