I borrowed 500 yuan from my father and 500 yuan from my mother. I used 970 yuan to buy a pair of shoes. I have 30 yuan left. I return 10 yuan to my father and 10 yuan to my mother. I still have 10 yuan. I owe 490 yuan to my father and 490 yuan to my mother. 490 + 490 = 980 yuan. Plus my 10 yuan = 990 yuan, where is the remaining 10 yuan?

I borrowed 500 yuan from my father and 500 yuan from my mother. I used 970 yuan to buy a pair of shoes. I have 30 yuan left. I return 10 yuan to my father and 10 yuan to my mother. I still have 10 yuan. I owe 490 yuan to my father and 490 yuan to my mother. 490 + 490 = 980 yuan. Plus my 10 yuan = 990 yuan, where is the remaining 10 yuan?

The problem is that assets and debts offset each other. 980 yuan owed to parents is a debt, and 10 yuan in my hand is an asset. When added together (one positive and one negative), the result is 970 yuan (debt). Where to go is to buy shoes. The so-called 980 + 10 = 990 is a wrong logic, which will inevitably lead to a wrong result