I borrowed 500 yuan from my father, 500 yuan from my mother, 970 yuan for shoes, 30 yuan left, 10 yuan returned to my father, 10 yuan returned to my mother, 10 yuan left by myself, 490 yuan owed to my father, 490 yuan owed to my mother, 490 plus 490 is equal to 980 yuan, plus my own 10 yuan is equal to 990 yuan, where is the remaining 10 yuan?

I borrowed 500 yuan from my father, 500 yuan from my mother, 970 yuan for shoes, 30 yuan left, 10 yuan returned to my father, 10 yuan returned to my mother, 10 yuan left by myself, 490 yuan owed to my father, 490 yuan owed to my mother, 490 plus 490 is equal to 980 yuan, plus my own 10 yuan is equal to 990 yuan, where is the remaining 10 yuan?

The correct understanding is: borrow 490 yuan from father and 490 yuan from mother, total 980 yuan, get rid of 970 yuan to buy shoes, the remaining 10 yuan in their own hands