A cone-shaped sand pile has a circumference of 12.56m at the bottom and a height of 1.8m. How many meters can be paved with this pile of sand on a road with a width of 8m and a thickness of 3cm?

A cone-shaped sand pile has a circumference of 12.56m at the bottom and a height of 1.8m. How many meters can be paved with this pile of sand on a road with a width of 8m and a thickness of 3cm?

The bottom radius of sand pile: 12.56 △ 2.14, = 12.56 △ 6.28, = 2 (m); the volume of sand pile: 13 × 3.14 × 22 × 1.8, = 3.14 × 4 × 0.6, = 12.56 × 0.6, = 7.536 (M3); the thickness of sand: 3cm = 0.03m, 7.536 △ 8 × 0.03, = 7.536 △ 0.24, = 3