1. Dig a canal. 35% of the total length has been dug. The rest is 450 meters longer than the one that has been dug. How long is the canal! 2. Dig a canal. 25% of the total length was dug on the first day and 160 meters on the second day. At this time, 43% of the total length was not dug. Wow, how many meters were dug on the first day! 3. Boys account for 56% of the total number, 84 more than girls. How many people are there in all!

1. Dig a canal. 35% of the total length has been dug. The rest is 450 meters longer than the one that has been dug. How long is the canal! 2. Dig a canal. 25% of the total length was dug on the first day and 160 meters on the second day. At this time, 43% of the total length was not dug. Wow, how many meters were dug on the first day! 3. Boys account for 56% of the total number, 84 more than girls. How many people are there in all!
