When electric energy is converted into heat energy, the power is directly proportional to the resistance of the conductor. The resistance of 880W electric furnace is 55ohm and 1100W The resistance of our electric furnace is 44 ohm. Why is the heat power of the electric furnace inversely proportional to the resistance?

When electric energy is converted into heat energy, the power is directly proportional to the resistance of the conductor. The resistance of 880W electric furnace is 55ohm and 1100W The resistance of our electric furnace is 44 ohm. Why is the heat power of the electric furnace inversely proportional to the resistance?

According to Ohm's law, two formulas P = I ^ 2R and P = u ^ 2 / R can be deduced
For P = I ^ 2R, we often say that the power is proportional to the resistance if the current is constant
For P = u ^ 2 / R, we also say that power is inversely proportional to resistance, provided the voltage is constant
Therefore, we must not forget the conditions when applying the latter two formulas, otherwise errors will occur
In the title, 880W electric furnace refers to 880W power under rated voltage, 1100W electric furnace refers to 1100W power under rated voltage, then under a certain voltage, P = u ^ 2 / R formula should be used to calculate, that is, under a certain voltage, power is inversely proportional to resistance