There are seven numbers from small to large, the average is 38, if the average of the first four numbers in this group is 33 There are seven numbers from small to large, with an average of 38. If the average of the first four numbers in this group is 33 and the average of the last four numbers is 42, what is the median of these seven numbers?

There are seven numbers from small to large, the average is 38, if the average of the first four numbers in this group is 33 There are seven numbers from small to large, with an average of 38. If the average of the first four numbers in this group is 33 and the average of the last four numbers is 42, what is the median of these seven numbers?

The number in the middle is 34
The sum of seven numbers is 7 times 38 = 266
The sum of the first four numbers is 33 times 4, which is 132. The sum of the last four numbers is 42 times 4, which is 168. The sum is 300. The middle number is added twice, and the rest is only added once, so the middle number is 300-266 = 34