Known: as shown in the figure, point C is on line AB, Da is perpendicular to AB, FC is perpendicular to AB, and Da = BC, FC = AB, calculate the degree of angle FBD

Known: as shown in the figure, point C is on line AB, Da is perpendicular to AB, FC is perpendicular to AB, and Da = BC, FC = AB, calculate the degree of angle FBD

Where is the picture? I guess point D is below line AB, and point F is above line ab. from the meaning of the question, we know that triangle FCB and triangle bad are congruent right triangles, and angle DBA is equal to angle BFC, because angle CBF and angle BFC are two acute angles of right triangle, and the sum is 90 degrees. Angle FBD = angle DBA + angle CBF = angle BFC + angle CBF = 90 degrees