(2) If the average price of home appliances is: 1500 yuan for each color TV set, 1500 yuan for each refrigerator, 2000 yuan for each refrigerator, 800 yuan for each mobile phone, it is known

(2) If the average price of home appliances is: 1500 yuan for each color TV set, 1500 yuan for each refrigerator, 2000 yuan for each refrigerator, 800 yuan for each mobile phone, it is known

The number of color TV sets sold is x, the number of refrigerators sold is 1.5x, the number of mobile phones sold is (350-2.5x) 0.15x + 0.2 * 1.5x + 0.08 * (350-2.5x) = 500000 yuan 0.45X + 28-0.2x = 500.25x = 22, the number of color TV sets is 880000, the number of refrigerators is 15x = 1320000, the number of mobile phones sold is (350-2.5x) = 1300000