In response to the national call of "home appliances to the countryside", a refrigerator factory plans to produce 100 refrigerators of a and B models. According to the budget, after all the refrigerators are sold out The profit can be no less than 47500 yuan and no more than 48000 yuan,

In response to the national call of "home appliances to the countryside", a refrigerator factory plans to produce 100 refrigerators of a and B models. According to the budget, after all the refrigerators are sold out The profit can be no less than 47500 yuan and no more than 48000 yuan,

(1) If there are x type a refrigerators, then there are (100-x) type B refrigerators
The solution is: 37.5 ≤ x ≤ 40
∵ x is a positive integer
X is 38, 39 or 40 (3 points)
There are three production schemes as follows:
(2 points)
Text narration is also acceptable;
(2) Let the input cost be y yuan. The meaning of the problem is: y = 2200x + 2600 (100-x) = - 400X + 260000 ∵ - 400 ∵ 0 ∵ y decreases with the increase of X ∵ when x = 40, y has a minimum value,
That is to say, 40 type a refrigerators and 60 type B refrigerators are produced. The factory has the least input cost, (3 points)
At this time, the government needs to subsidize farmers (2800 × 40 + 3000 × 60) × 13% = 37960