In the isosceles trapezoid ABCD, ab ∥ DC, ad = BC = 5, DC = 7, ab = 13, point P starts from point a and moves to the midpoint C along ad → DC at the speed of 2 unit lengths per second At the same time, point Q starts from point B and moves along Ba to terminal a at the speed of 1 unit length per second. Let the movement time be T seconds (1) When the value of T is, the quadrilateral pqbc is a parallelogram (2) In the whole movement process, when t is the value, the quadrilateral with points B, C, P and Q as the vertex is isosceles trapezoid

In the isosceles trapezoid ABCD, ab ∥ DC, ad = BC = 5, DC = 7, ab = 13, point P starts from point a and moves to the midpoint C along ad → DC at the speed of 2 unit lengths per second At the same time, point Q starts from point B and moves along Ba to terminal a at the speed of 1 unit length per second. Let the movement time be T seconds (1) When the value of T is, the quadrilateral pqbc is a parallelogram (2) In the whole movement process, when t is the value, the quadrilateral with points B, C, P and Q as the vertex is isosceles trapezoid

(1) If pqbc is a parallelogram, then p must move to the side of DC
T = 4 seconds