How to remember the Chinese meaning of English words?

How to remember the Chinese meaning of English words?

Please think about it. Who invented English? The British! Do they know Chinese? No! Do they need to remember the Chinese meaning when they learn English words? No, there are no Chinese characters in English textbooks, How to memorize the Chinese meaning of words? Since the British don't need to memorize (or even can't see) the Chinese meaning of words when learning English, why should the Chinese memorize the Chinese meaning of words when learning English? Isn't this strange?
In fact, when we think about it carefully, this behavior is really strange. The root of the strange behavior is not the behavior itself, but the fact that Chinese people generally do not directly recognize the meaning of English words, Therefore, we have to rely on Chinese symbols to help memorize the meaning of English words mechanically. Learning English in this way is not only unnecessary, but also inevitable to fall into the endless disaster of symbol memory
In fact, English words, like Chinese characters, have many "radicals". You can guess the meaning of a word directly based on the radicals. Although you can't guess it 100% accurately, you can at least guess it roughly. At least you can suddenly understand it after others have told you the meaning of a word, In this way, you can greatly enhance your ability to "see the word and understand the meaning" of English words, so that you can really understand a word, and take its Chinese meaning only as a general reference
For example, the word representative
Please don't rush to tell me that you know this word. In fact, you don't know this word. You just memorize the corresponding relationship between this string of English letters and the two Chinese character symbols "representative" by your memory. How hard will it take you to learn English? Let me tell you why this word means "representative". Re is a radical in English, It means "come back"; pre is also a radical, which means "forward"; sent is also a radical, which means "send out"; a is only a "connector" between radical, without which the two consonant letters T will be connected together, and the pronunciation will be inseparable and laborious, So it's separated by a vowel letter a; tive is also a radical, which means "person". What does it mean when these radicals are linked together? Re-pre-sent-a-tive is the person who comes back forward sent out, that is, the person who comes back to ask for your opinions and is sent out to speak for you, This is the meaning of "representative"! To know a word in this way is to really "know" the word and recognize it to the core
Let's take another example,
Psy = SCI is a radical, which means "know"; CHO is a radical, which means "heart"; Lo is a radical, which means "say"; Gy is a radical, which means "learn", which means "theory". Therefore, Psy Cho log means "know the heart", which means "psychology"
By analogy, I don't give many examples. My point of view is clear, that is, don't memorize the Chinese meaning of a word by rote, but use the method of identifying "radical" to really understand a word. After you really understand a word, you will find that the Chinese translation in the word list is actually very reluctant, sometimes even can't be translated at all, Because Chinese and English are two different writing systems, the two are not one-to-one correspondence in the text. Only reciting the Chinese characters of English words means that you can't really understand the word, which will cause a lot of difficulties in subsequent learning. It will cause you to see English words in the fog all your life, and you will always feel strange
Make what is common sense not common sense
In fact, the scientific name of radicals in English is "radical", and there are only more than 200 commonly used radicals. They are as common and important as 26 letters, and they are as common and important as radicals in Chinese. They are important contents that should be learned in the first lesson of learning English. English learners should master these important common sense as soon as possible, and get rid of the reckless state of rote memorization, Enter a scientific and efficient literacy state as soon as possible