Who can solve the number reasoning problem 16,8,8,12,24,32,60

Who can solve the number reasoning problem 16,8,8,12,24,32,60

It seems that the first number 16 of this sequence is not in the law
If you divide the first number by 16
List the rest
8 8 12 24 32 60
Divide them all by four
Get the sequence
2 2 3 6 8 15
It's not hard to see
In other words, a + B + 1 = C, B + C-1 = D, C + D + 1 = e, D + E-1 = f
The sequence formed by such a law
Then the next number should be: 8 + 15 (- 1) = 22, 15 + 22 (+ 1) = 38
The original sequence is four times of it
So it is