How to convert ml and G? Is 500 g equal to 500 ml?

How to convert ml and G? Is 500 g equal to 500 ml?

According to P = m / V (where m is the mass of the same object, P is the density of the same object, and V is the volume of the same object),
The basic unit of mass is kilogram, which is represented by the symbol kg. The commonly used units are milligram (mg), gram (g) and ton (T)
Conversion relation: 1g = 1000mg 1kg = 1000g 1t = 1000kg
The common units of volume are liter (L) and milliliter (ML): 1L = 1dm3, 1ml = 1cm3
Unit of density: kg / m3, g / cm3
Conversion relation: 1kg / m3 = 1 × 103G / (1 × 106) cm3 = 10-3g / cm3
Therefore, if the unit of milliliter is converted to gram, it should be
1g = P / (1ml), where p is the density of the object, in g / ml
If the density of the object P = 1 g / ml, then 500 g = 500 ml