When a, B and C satisfy what conditions, the curve of equation (x-a) ^ 2 + (y-b) ^ 2 = R ^ 2 passes through the origin When a, B and C satisfy what conditions, the curve of equation y = ax ^ 2 + BX + C passes through the origin

When a, B and C satisfy what conditions, the curve of equation (x-a) ^ 2 + (y-b) ^ 2 = R ^ 2 passes through the origin When a, B and C satisfy what conditions, the curve of equation y = ax ^ 2 + BX + C passes through the origin

The curve of equation (x-a) ^ 2 + (y-b) ^ 2 = R ^ 2 passing through the origin is equivalent to a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 = R ^ 2
The curve of equation y = ax ^ 2 + BX + C passing through the origin is equivalent to C = 0