Calculate the first curvilinear integral ∫ xyds, where C is the entire boundary of a triangle with curved edges bounded by y equal to x square, y = 0 and x = 1

Calculate the first curvilinear integral ∫ xyds, where C is the entire boundary of a triangle with curved edges bounded by y equal to x square, y = 0 and x = 1

O(0,0) A(1,1) B(1,0)∮L xy ds= ∮OA xyds +∮AB xyds +∮BO xyds∮AB xyds =0 ∮BO xyds=0 ∮L xy ds= ∮OA xyds =∫(0,1) x^3[1+(x^2)'^2]^(1/2)dx =∫(0,1) x^3(1+4x^2...