Function of involute equation parameters of gears The two equations are as follows: Fang Chengyi angle=t*45 x=r*cos(angle)+pi*r*angle*sin(angle)/180 y=r*sin(angle)-pi*r*angle*cos(angle)/180 z=0 Fang Chenger afa=60*t x=r*cos(afa)+pi*r*afa/180 * sin(afa) y=r*sin(afa)-pi*r*afa/180 * cos(afa) z=0 In the two equations, angle = t * 45 and AFA = 60 * t are used to adjust the length of the involute, but the shape of the involute, that is, the shape of the gear, is unchanged, only the extension length of the involute is changed: if the value is set smaller, it may appear that the involute can not intersect the addendum circle, but the shape of the involute remains unchanged after changing the value?

Function of involute equation parameters of gears The two equations are as follows: Fang Chengyi angle=t*45 x=r*cos(angle)+pi*r*angle*sin(angle)/180 y=r*sin(angle)-pi*r*angle*cos(angle)/180 z=0 Fang Chenger afa=60*t x=r*cos(afa)+pi*r*afa/180 * sin(afa) y=r*sin(afa)-pi*r*afa/180 * cos(afa) z=0 In the two equations, angle = t * 45 and AFA = 60 * t are used to adjust the length of the involute, but the shape of the involute, that is, the shape of the gear, is unchanged, only the extension length of the involute is changed: if the value is set smaller, it may appear that the involute can not intersect the addendum circle, but the shape of the involute remains unchanged after changing the value?

You are right. T is the system variable in PROE, which represents such a process from 0 to 1. T * 45 means that the development angle of the involute is from 0 to 45 degrees. The size of the angle only determines the length of the involute, which has nothing to do with its shape