In the plane rectangular coordinate system, the intersection of the parabola Y1 = x ^ 2-2x + A and the X axis is a, and the intersection of the parabola y2 = x ^ 2 + 2x + 1 + 2a and the X axis is B, and B is symmetric about the Y axis, a is a real number (1) Calculate the value of a and the coordinates of a and B; (2) Do the parabola Y1 and Y2 intersect at a point C on the y-axis? If they intersect at the same point, ask for the area of the largest triangle ABC. If they do not intersect at the same point, please explain the reason

In the plane rectangular coordinate system, the intersection of the parabola Y1 = x ^ 2-2x + A and the X axis is a, and the intersection of the parabola y2 = x ^ 2 + 2x + 1 + 2a and the X axis is B, and B is symmetric about the Y axis, a is a real number (1) Calculate the value of a and the coordinates of a and B; (2) Do the parabola Y1 and Y2 intersect at a point C on the y-axis? If they intersect at the same point, ask for the area of the largest triangle ABC. If they do not intersect at the same point, please explain the reason

And when y = 0, we're going to be able to do all of the following: 1-A, and as y = 0, we're going to be able to (x-1) & sup2; (X-1-1) & sup2; (x-1) & sup2; (X-1-1) & sup2; (X-1-1) & sup2; (X-1-1) & sup2; (X-1-1) & sup2; (and (1-A) - 1 (1-A), when y = 0, when y = 0, when y = 0, we're going to be able, and when y = 0, we're going to be able, and when y = 0, we're going to be able, we're going to be able, when we're going to be able, we are going to be able, we, and we are going to be able, we are going to be able, we are going to be able, and we are going to be able, when we are going to be able, and when we are going to be able, the results show that: 1-A = 1-2a, a = 0, Y1 and Y2 all cross the origin, We have only the first question for x 1 = 2, x 2 = - 2, a (2,0), B (- 2,0)