The quadratic function y = x ^ - 4x + 5 is a curve about the symmetric movement of x-axis, Y-axis and origin

The quadratic function y = x ^ - 4x + 5 is a curve about the symmetric movement of x-axis, Y-axis and origin

When the x-axis is stacked and moving, the quadratic function is: the axis of symmetry does not change to x = - B / 2A = 2, because the opening is downward, the coefficient in front of x ^ 2 is - 1, then B = 4, because the vertex coordinates change to (2, - 1), according to the y-axis distance is (4ac-b ^ 2) / 4A = - 1, then C = - 5, then the quadratic function is: y = - x ^ 2 + 4x-5