The center of symmetry of the inverse function of F (x) = x-a / x + A is (1, - 1) to find the real number a ----If the center of symmetry of function f (x) is (- 1,1), then - 1 + a = 0, then a = 1 (then - 1 + a = 0, then a = 1) I can't understand why I bring - 1 to the denominator and let the denominator = 0

The center of symmetry of the inverse function of F (x) = x-a / x + A is (1, - 1) to find the real number a ----If the center of symmetry of function f (x) is (- 1,1), then - 1 + a = 0, then a = 1 (then - 1 + a = 0, then a = 1) I can't understand why I bring - 1 to the denominator and let the denominator = 0

The separation constant is 1 - 2A / x + a
It can be seen from the symmetry center of 1 / X is (0,0)
Add up and subtract down, add left and subtract right, and shift the center of symmetry to (- 1,1)
Left plus, so a = 1