There are four numbers, three of which are added each time, and the sum is 22, 24, 27 and 20 respectively? The sum of two numbers is 6820. One of the addends has zero bits and ten bits are not zero. The other has zero bits and ten bits. If you remove zero, the two addends are the same. What are the two numbers?

There are four numbers, three of which are added each time, and the sum is 22, 24, 27 and 20 respectively? The sum of two numbers is 6820. One of the addends has zero bits and ten bits are not zero. The other has zero bits and ten bits. If you remove zero, the two addends are the same. What are the two numbers?

1. The sum of the four numbers is (22 + 24 + 27 + 20) / 3 = 31. Because each number has been added three times, the four numbers are 31-22 = 931-24 = 731-27 = 431-20 = 112. If 0 is removed, the two addends are the same. If this number is x, then one digit of the original number is an addend and the other digit is not 0:10x