>Can you tell me the meaning of the expression of fraction multiplied by integer_ Mathematics of grade 6: teaching plan of sorting out and reviewing fractional multiplication

>Can you tell me the meaning of the expression of fraction multiplied by integer_ Mathematics of grade 6: teaching plan of sorting out and reviewing fractional multiplication

·Sixth grade mathematics: the meaning of fraction division and integer divided by fraction teaching plan, Through intuitive understanding, make students understand integer divided by fraction, guide students to correctly summarize the calculation rules, and be able to use the rules correctly... · sixth grade mathematics: the significance of fraction division and the teaching plan of integer divided by fraction, Make students know that the meaning of division by fractions is the same as that of division by integers, and make students master the calculation rules of dividing fractions by integers. 2. Operate by hand, make students understand dividing integers by fractions through intuitive understanding, and guide students to correctly summarize the calculation rules, Can use the rule correctly into the sixth grade of Jiangsu Education Press: is there any difference between the meaning of fraction multiplied by integer and that of integer multiplied by fraction? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The meaning of multiplication has gone through three different cognitive processes in the primary school stage: the initial cognitive stage (integer stage or this meaning stage) --- the expansion stage (extended to the small (score) number multiplied by. · the meaning of fractional division and the meaning of integer divided by fraction instructional design (1) The significance of fractional division and the teaching goal of dividing integer by fraction: 1. Through examples, make students know that the significance of fractional division is the same as that of integer division, and make students master the calculation method of dividing fraction by integer