The addition and subtraction of collinear vectors How to calculate?

The addition and subtraction of collinear vectors How to calculate?

A non-zero vector with the same or opposite direction is called an equal vector, which is expressed as a ‖ B
Any group of parallel vectors can be moved to the same line, so parallel vectors are also called collinear vectors
Rule: 0 vector is parallel to any vector
The necessary and sufficient conditions for vector collinearity are as follows
If vector a and B (B is a non-zero vector) are collinear, then a = λ B (λ is a real number)
The necessary and sufficient condition for vector a and vector B to be collinear is that a and B are linearly related, that is, there are two real numbers λ and μ which are not all zero, so that λ a + μ B = 0
More generally, if a = (P1, P2) B = (Q1, Q2) in the plane, a ∥ B if and only if P1 · Q2 = P2 · Q1
The addition and subtraction of collinear vectors? Add in the same direction and subtract in the opposite direction
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