Vector cross product The result of dot multiplication "·" is a scalar; a · B = | a | B | cosw (there are vector marks on a and B, so it is not convenient to type. W is the angle of two vectors). The result of cross multiplication "×" is a vector perpendicular to the plane of the original vector A × B = | a | B | SiNW?

Vector cross product The result of dot multiplication "·" is a scalar; a · B = | a | B | cosw (there are vector marks on a and B, so it is not convenient to type. W is the angle of two vectors). The result of cross multiplication "×" is a vector perpendicular to the plane of the original vector A × B = | a | B | SiNW?

The result of dot multiplication "&;" is a scalar; a &; b = | a | B | cosw (there are vector marks on a and B, so it is difficult to type. W is the angle of two vectors). The result of cross multiplication "×" is a vector perpendicular to the plane of the original vector
A × B = | a | B | SiNW. Why? Can you prove it?
Vector product of two space vectors
Vector AB = (x1, Y1, z1), vector CD = (X2, Y2, Z2)
Vector ab × vector CD = (y1z2-z1y2, x2z1-x1z2, x1y2-y1x2)
A new vector is generated, its direction is perpendicular to the plane determined by vector AB and vector CD, and its direction is determined by right hand rule
The geometric meaning of vector product of two space vectors:
|Vector ab × vector CD | = | vector ab | * | vector CD | * sin
The module of the generated new vector is the area of the parallelogram with vector AB and vector CD as sides
As for proof, it is easy to prove by plane geometry
In application, it is not necessary to prove, but to use this conclusion directly