How to understand the decomposition of power. I don't know which power to find when I do the problem. Who will teach me There is a circle center and the ground inclined to pull a rope to the left and down, and then there is a horizontal right force F = 100N in the horizontal direction of the circle center. At this time, the angle between the tension of the rope and the ground is 37 ° to find the tension of the rope

How to understand the decomposition of power. I don't know which power to find when I do the problem. Who will teach me There is a circle center and the ground inclined to pull a rope to the left and down, and then there is a horizontal right force F = 100N in the horizontal direction of the circle center. At this time, the angle between the tension of the rope and the ground is 37 ° to find the tension of the rope

If two of the forces are perpendicular to each other, the other forces will be decomposed into the directions of the two forces. For example, in this problem, the circle is subjected to three forces: the rope pull (f pull), the horizontal pull to the right F, and its own gravity g, where f and G are perpendicular. Therefore, we solve the problem that the object is stationary and the force is balanced (f pull)