A physics problem about uniform circular motion On a smooth horizontal plane, there are two balls a and B of the same mass. A and B are connected by a light rope. B ball is connected by a light rope to the fixed point O. A and B balls move uniformly around o point at the same angular velocity Q: what are the forces on balls a and B I want to know how to analyze their stress

A physics problem about uniform circular motion On a smooth horizontal plane, there are two balls a and B of the same mass. A and B are connected by a light rope. B ball is connected by a light rope to the fixed point O. A and B balls move uniformly around o point at the same angular velocity Q: what are the forces on balls a and B I want to know how to analyze their stress

For ball a, the gravity and supporting force of the ball have been balanced in the vertical direction, and the object in contact with ball a is only the rope
Since ball a moves in a uniform circular motion, some force is needed to act as a centripetal force
So the tension of the rope provides the centripetal force. So ball a is pulled by the rope
For ball B, the same rope contacts with ball B, so the resultant force given by the rope must be centripetal, but ball B contacts with two ropes. Ball a and the rope contacting with ball a are regarded as a whole, and the whole body is in a uniform circle, so the whole body should be subject to an inward force. This force acts on the rope connected with ball B, so the whole body is pulled by B. according to the action of the force, it is mutual, B is pulled outward, and because the resultant force of B is inward, B is also pulled by the rope connected with point O, and the pulling force must be greater than that of another rope