Try to illustrate the role of law in real life with examples This is about 500 words that the teacher asked us to write``

Try to illustrate the role of law in real life with examples This is about 500 words that the teacher asked us to write``

The significance of legal norms is also the role: it refers to the possible influence of law on people's behavior or social relations, that is, as a behavior norm, law clearly tells people the mode and standard of behavior, and plays the role of guidance, evaluation, education, prediction and coercion on people's behavior
In public life, legal norms play an important role in people's public life
(1) guiding role
The guiding role of law refers to the role that law can provide people with an established mode of behavior, so as to guide people's activities within the scope of law. The guiding role is the most important role of law. The primary purpose of law is not to punish illegal acts, but to guide people's correct behavior and participate in social life legally
(2) prediction function
The predictive function of law means that the law, through its provisions, informs people of the nature of a certain behavior, which is affirmed or denied by the law, and the legal consequences it leads to, so that people can pre estimate the consequences of their own behavior, as well as the trend and consequences of others' behavior
(3) evaluation function
The evaluation function of law refers to the function of law that can evaluate the legal significance of people's behavior. The criteria of legal evaluation are legal and illegal. The criteria of behavior evaluation include law, morality and discipline, which can be applied at the same time, Moral evaluation and discipline evaluation can not replace legal evaluation
(4) compulsion
The compulsory role of law refers to the role that the law can use the national coercive force to punish violations and crimes and ensure its implementation. The compulsory role of law is the guarantee of other roles of law. Without the compulsory role, the guiding role of law will be reduced, the predictive role will be suspected, the evaluation role will lose significance to a great extent, and the effectiveness of education will be seriously affected
(5) the role of Education
The educational function of law refers to the function of law, which influences people's thoughts, cultivates and improves people's legal consciousness, and guides people to act according to law
For example, if you steal other people's goods and violate the provisions of the law of punishment for public security administration or the criminal law, you should be investigated for legal responsibility according to the law, or be punished or sentenced for public security