The magic cross formula and the following formula Before my friends taught me to play for several years, but I forgot the pithy formula. I remember the cross pithy formula. It seems to be up left down left up left down, but I can't turn the cross. After the cross turns better, I need to use the pithy formula for color and color. Finally, I need to use the comprehensive pithy formula for lecherous. Please give me some advice! Don't come to me like lur. I can't understand the video. Please answer carefully

The magic cross formula and the following formula Before my friends taught me to play for several years, but I forgot the pithy formula. I remember the cross pithy formula. It seems to be up left down left up left down, but I can't turn the cross. After the cross turns better, I need to use the pithy formula for color and color. Finally, I need to use the comprehensive pithy formula for lecherous. Please give me some advice! Don't come to me like lur. I can't understand the video. Please answer carefully

There are 26 pieces in the third-order cube, which are divided into three parts. There are six central blocks, which are fixed. There are eight corners and twelve edges
There are three common methods: layering method, angle first method and edge first method. But I think edge first method is more simple and practical
Restoring edge is to make a cross on every surface. When making a cross, it is not by surface, but by layer
Return the first layer first, that is, make a cross on the first side. This is very simple, but the cross must be correct
That is, the color of the four sides of the cross must be consistent with the color of the front and rear center blocks
That's right. I forgot to tell you the orientation. The one facing up is called up, the one on the right hand side is right, the one on the left hand side is left and so on
It can be used in later formulas
After the first side is ready, now restore the second layer, which is also very simple. The formula is front + bottom + front - front + bottom - front-
One is very simple. After restoring this, there will be four Inverted t
Now it's time to turn the Rubik's cube upside down, that is, turn the lower layer into the upper layer. If you are lucky, the lower layer will be better
If not, the formula will be used now
Cross formula
Formula 1 right up front up + front right+
Formula 2 right front up front up right+
When using these two formulas, use 1 to spell out two opposite edges. At this time, you need 2. Take the upper layer of the cube as a clock
The two edges that have been turned to the top are regarded as the hour hand and minute hand, which should be placed on the six o'clock position. In this way, formula 2 can be used
When you use 2, you will spell out two adjacent edges. When you use formula 1, you need to put the magic cube at nine o'clock,
At this time, the position of the cross is not necessarily right. It may be right for one, it may be right for two. It may also be wrong for one, because the upper layer can
Free rotation. At this time, we need to change the formula. When using the formula, we need to place the cross when only one edge is right, that is, when the other three are not right
Rotary cross formula
Formula 1 right up right + up right up 2
Formula 2 left + Top + left - Top + left + top 2
Formula 1 will move the three wrong edges clockwise by one position. Formula 2 will move them counterclockwise
When it's done. The six sides of the cross have been put together. Now it's time to restore the corners
Corner formula
Formula 1 up + right + up left up + right up left+
Formula 2 top left top + right + top left + Top + right-
The purpose of Formula 1 is to move the left front, left rear and right rear corners counterclockwise, but the main purpose is to turn the left rear corner to the left front
Formula 2 is to move the right front, right rear and left rear angles clockwise, but mainly to turn the right rear to the right front
Use 1 to move the right rear corner. If the corner has been restored, just rotate the right side. Use 2 to disturb the left rear corner
The processing method is the same as 1
When the five corners are restored, the remaining three corners can be turned at one time, but it's easy to say and difficult to do. For novices, it's still difficult
Restore a corner, then there will be several cases, the first, the position of the two adjacent corners is not right. Put the two disordered corners in the left front corner and the left rear corner
In these two positions, you will find two corners with the same color on the same side. You should put the same color face up, and you will also find these colors
And the color of the left side is the same. That is, it can be directly flipped to the left
First use formula 1, then + and then turn the whole cube 90 degrees. It's a whole, not one side. Then use formula 2
If you have completed the above steps. Congratulations. Finished
In the second case, there are two opposite corners left. At this time, as long as the two corners are turned to the adjacent position, it will become the first case
Of course, there will be a situation. That is, the two corners of the Rubik's cube, not one side, are for the whole Rubik's cube. The processing method is the same as above