The latest formula of abacus and mental arithmetic in kindergarten My son is in preschool. He has set up abacus and mental arithmetic in the class, but the formula taught by the teacher is different from what we used to learn. For example, the formula of 4 + 3 is "three is not enough for seven, slide" and so on. We need this formula of abacus and mental arithmetic

The latest formula of abacus and mental arithmetic in kindergarten My son is in preschool. He has set up abacus and mental arithmetic in the class, but the formula taught by the teacher is different from what we used to learn. For example, the formula of 4 + 3 is "three is not enough for seven, slide" and so on. We need this formula of abacus and mental arithmetic

In fact, the pithy formula is to change the soup without changing the dressing. Turning the old pithy formula into the current slide and flying is mainly to improve the children's interest in learning. If you tutor at home, you can ask the eldest brother to slide (the eldest brother makes up the number. For example: 1 --- 9 2 --- 8 3 --- 7 4 -- 6)