What famous books have you read? Write your experience! More than 3 books are required!

What famous books have you read? Write your experience! More than 3 books are required!

Thorn Birds
Its theme is also immutable: love and fate. What kind of entanglement does love have in the ups and downs of fate? What kind of traces does fate have in the mixed love of sadness and happiness? Is love dominating fate, or fate dominating love? The legend of thorn birds has been telling faintly. Sadness is pervasive, But maybe sadness is not what legend wants to express. From Maggie and Ralph's love entanglement across the distance of time and space, we can understand something different from the past. There are love and fate
Ordinary world
It tells us: suffering, as people's unconscious acceptance of reality, not only refers to the hardship and bitterness of the material living situation, but also means people's unique psychological feelings of life in the difficult situation, which means the mockery of people's legitimate and reasonable wishes and the suppression of emotions in real life;
It tells us: suffering can sharpen a strong will, only through the suffering of purgatory, people can understand life, to mature;
It tells us: suffering leads to the defects and imbalance of life, and then produces the contrast and tension of pursuing transcendence and balance;
It tells us: the value of life lies in the severe face, deep thinking, thorough understanding and unremitting struggle
Muslim funeral
Beauty runs through the whole story. Behind the beauty is the author's keen eyes and the reader's free feeling. What Huoda excavates is not only beauty, but also the voice of the world. What the reader feels is not only beauty, but also the free feeling from the interpretation of the soul. Love has no borders. People instinctively but not rationally yearn for pure beauty and pure emotion, It's human nature to pursue beauty. Beauty doesn't have to be forced to be accepted. Otherwise, the famous saying "sunset and solitary flocks fly together, autumn water grows in the same color in the sky" won't be so far spread and deeply rooted in people's hearts, If we use love, freedom and beauty to resist rainstorm, wind and frost, we will have the confidence to win