I'm eager for two pieces of reading about the party~ It's two articles, excluding the party constitution

I'm eager for two pieces of reading about the party~ It's two articles, excluding the party constitution

Reading experience of Communist Manifesto
Author: Chen Bo joining time: May 15, 2009 18:52:15 hits: 2827
"A specter, the specter of communism, wandering in Europe";
"The destruction of the bourgeoisie is as inevitable as the victory of the proletariat.";
"Proletarians of the world, unite
I still vaguely remember my understanding of these words when I attended the Party school for non party activists held by the University in early 1988, but now it seems to be a very superficial and dogmatic understanding, Reread the Manifesto of the Communist Party, but have different experience and reason
161 years ago, when Marx and Engels issued the Manifesto of the Communist Party, which made the Western ruling class tremble with tremendous theoretical power, ideological edge and fighting spirit, China was gradually falling into the abyss of semi colonial and semi feudal under the invasion of imperialist powers .
Today, 161 years later, socialist China stands tall in the east of the world. The Communist Party of China holds high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follows the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and meets the challenge of world change
From the Manifesto of the Communist Party to the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it condenses the magnificent development course of the international communist movement in 161 years, and shows the brilliance of the struggle and development of the Communist Party of China in 88 years
In 1988, the Communist Party of China held high the banner of Marxism, from national independence to people's liberation, and then to national strength and people's wealth. In 1988, the Communist Party of China advanced with the times, and several generations of collective leadership of the Communist Party of China combined the basic principles of Marxism with the reality of Chinese revolution and construction, ushering in a bright prospect of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
In the Manifesto of the Communist Party, Marx and Engels examined the development process of human society with historical materialism, and discussed the historical inevitability of socialism replacing capitalism and eventually developing into communism, This paper expounds the historical mission of the proletariat as the gravedigger of capitalism and the creator of the future society. The Manifesto of the Communist Party has become a brilliant starting point for the practice of the struggle of the working class
The practice of 161 years since the Communist Manifesto came out has proved that Marxism is an open theoretical system that keeps pace with the times, The reason lies in: this theory profoundly reveals the objective law of historical development, and constantly injects new vitality into practice. As Marx and Engels emphasized in the preface to the German version of the Communist Manifesto in 1872, "we should take the historical conditions at that time as the transfer anytime and anywhere." developing in inheritance and innovating in practice are the lasting and lasting characteristics of Marxism, The root of maintaining the great vitality forever
In the decades since the Communist Manifesto was published, Marx and Engels have been paying attention to testing their theories with practice. On the basis of summing up the experience and lessons of the revolution in 1848, This paper expounds the ideas of continuous revolution, the union of workers and peasants, and the dictatorship of the proletariat; according to the experience and lessons of Paris Commune, it develops the theory of proletarian revolution and dictatorship, and the theory of proletarian party, so as to enrich and develop its own theory and become a strict scientific system
Lenin combined the basic principles of Marxism with the characteristics of the times and the specific reality of Russia, theoretically developed the ideas of Marx and Engels about the simultaneous victory of proletarian revolution in major capitalist developed countries, explored a way to realize socialism in Russia, and pushed Marxism to a new stage
Since the Opium War more than 160 years ago, due to the invasion of Western powers and the decay of feudal rule, China has gradually become a semi colonial and semi feudal society. The country is poor and weak, the society is in chaos, and the people's lives are ruined. In order to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, countless people with lofty ideals rose to seek the road of saving the country, saving the people and revitalizing China, The Communist Party of China (CPC), the product of the combination of Marxism and the Chinese workers' movement, declared its establishment. Since its birth, the CPC has held high the banner of Marxism. Since then, the Chinese revolution has been guided by scientific theory, and the Chinese revolution has taken on a new look
After 28 years of bloody struggle, the Chinese Communists represented by Mao Zedong, in their long-term struggle against dogmatism that starts from the book and copies foreign experience, insisted on combining the universal truth of Marxism with China's specific reality, creatively applied and developed Marxism, and found the revolutionary road of Encircling Cities from rural areas, He led the people in the new democratic revolution and socialist revolution, overthrew the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism in China, established a new China and a socialist system, and laid a fundamental political premise and institutional foundation for all development and progress in contemporary China, In 100 years, "the specter of communism" has been turning into a red sun in this ancient oriental country with a long history of more than 5000 years. The Chinese Communists have successfully realized the first historic leap in the combination of Marxism Leninism and China's reality. The theoretical achievement of this leap is Mao Zedong thought
It is a new topic in the history of Marxism to build socialism in China, a big eastern country with backward economy and culture, However, due to the party leaders' lack of a deep understanding of the fundamental drawbacks of the Soviet model, the lack of a comprehensive understanding of some important assumptions about socialist society by Marx and others, and the mechanical use of part of the successful experience of the revolutionary war years, the CPC's exploration of the road of socialist construction has made important mistakes
Deng Xiaoping pointed out: in a socialist country, after a real Marxist party is in power, it must devote itself to developing productive forces and gradually improve people's living standards on this basis, In 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China began to comprehensively and seriously correct the "left" mistakes in and before the "Cultural Revolution", resolutely criticized the wrong policy of "two whatevers", fully affirmed the need to completely and accurately grasp the scientific system of Mao Zedong thought, and highly praised the discussion on the standard of truth, We determined the guiding principles of emancipating the mind, using our brains, seeking truth from facts, and uniting to look forward, and resolutely stopped using the slogan of "taking class struggle as the key link.", Our great motherland has ushered in the emancipation of the mind, the development of economy, the prosperity of politics, the prosperity of education, the prosperity of literature and art, and the spring of science. The party and the country have embarked on the great journey of realizing socialist modernization full of hope and vitality
After 30 years of active exploration, the contemporary Chinese Communists represented by Deng Xiaoping adhere to the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, and grasp the fundamental issues such as "what is socialism, how to build socialism, what kind of party to build, how to build the party, and how to realize what kind of development and how to develop" and proceed from the new historical conditions, It has profoundly revealed the essence of socialism, found a way to build socialism with Chinese characteristics, realized the second historic leap of combining Marxism Leninism with China's reality, and successively formed a series of major strategic thoughts such as Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought of "Three Represents" and the scientific outlook on development, It has formed and developed the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Chinese Communists have once again Sinicized Marxism in China's socialist construction and developed Marxism with the times
After 30 years of unremitting struggle, the Chinese Communists have led the Chinese people to successfully achieve the first two strategic goals of the "three-step" strategy of modernization, and are striding forward to the third strategic goal. The great achievements of the past 30 years have laid a solid foundation for the CPC and the Chinese people to move forward
History eloquently shows that without the Manifesto of the Communist Party, there would be no Marxism, without Marxism, there would be no Communist Party of China, without the Communist Party of China, there would be no new China and today's reform and opening up
Similarly, the successful practice of the Chinese Communists also shows to the world that Marxism is an irrefutable truth; only by combining the pace of progress of the times with the specific reality of various countries can Marxism radiate its long-standing vitality
Today, in the practice of reform, opening up and modernization, we adhere to the unity of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, vigorously carry forward the spirit of seeking truth from facts, constantly deepen our understanding of the laws governing the Communist Party, socialist construction and the development of human society, and consciously liberate our thinking and understanding from the shackles of outdated concepts, practices and systems, Liberate from the wrong and dogmatic understanding of Marx, liberate from the shackles of subjectivism and metaphysics, and answer a series of major theoretical and practical problems with theoretical innovation based on practice, so as to continuously open up a new realm of the development of Marxism and let the Communist Manifesto radiate more brilliant light of truth in contemporary China
Experience of education on Party members' advancement: learning from the book of the Communist Party of China
Author: Fan Da