How to calculate by interpolation The depth of K0 + 260 is 0.514, the depth of K0 + 280 is 0.472, and the depth of K0 + 262.276 is calculated by interpolation

How to calculate by interpolation The depth of K0 + 260 is 0.514, the depth of K0 + 280 is 0.472, and the depth of K0 + 262.276 is calculated by interpolation

K0 + 262.276 depth = 0.514 - (262.276-260) * (0.514-0.472) / (280-260) = 0.5092204k0 + 262 depth = 0.514 - (262-260) * (0.514-0.472) / (280-260) = 0.5098k0 + 276 depth = 0.514 - (276-260) * (0.514-0.472) / (280-260) = 0.4