There is a false fraction. The numerator is 23 times more than the denominator, and the numerator is 5 times more than the denominator. What is the false fraction? There should be formulas, but there should be formulas

There is a false fraction. The numerator is 23 times more than the denominator, and the numerator is 5 times more than the denominator. What is the false fraction? There should be formulas, but there should be formulas

Denominator: (23-5) / (4-1) = 6
Molecule: 6 + 23 = 29
So the number is 29 / 6
Or set up an unknown number
Let the denominator be x and the numerator be y
From the meaning of the title
So x + 23 = 4x + 5
That is, the false score is 29 / 6